Divergent Movie

I went to see the Divergent movie on March 28 (yes, I am posting this a little late). I really loved the movie & was not affected by the differences in the book compared to the film. I came to terms early on with the fact that I was to never expect the movie to be exactly like the book. As long as the movie adaptation is good I am happy & Divergent was, actually it was Amazing! I got a little frustrated when I heard people go on & on about what had been changed in the movie & how it messed up the way Insurgent is suppose to happen....blah, blah, blah. I heard things like this after Divergent, The City Of Bones, Beautiful Creatures, Harry Potter, Narnia, & many others. Don't get me wrong, I love the books I read & would absolutely love for their movie adaptations to go exactly the way the book does but I know that that is not how it goes when a book gets a movie adaption. Yes, the books are better but try to remember that as long as the movie gets the main points of the story across & captures people's hearts the way the books did for us then it did its job. And many times the movie adaptations have introduced people to these wonderful books that they never even knew existed until they saw the movie. Can we please stop finding all these things that are wrong with the movie adaptations of books & just be happy that there was someone out there who thought that the books we loved were good enough to become a film??

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