Review: Sketchy (Bea Catcher Chronicles, #1) by Olivia Samms


The first book in a series about 17 year old Bea Washington, an edgy, charismatic outsider and recovering addict, who discovers that with her new-found sobriety, she has a disturbing new ?skill? ? an ability to see, and draw, people's thoughts. Alarmingly, these visions are only getting stronger and increasing in frequency. As another girl in school is raped and left for dead, Bea must come to terms with her talent, learn to face her own truth, and try to help identify and stop the killer before he strikes again.

My Review:

5 stars

Where do I start? Sketchy is an interesting paranormal thriller and the storyline is really great. I was a little skeptical about reading this book due to it being a thriller because I have read and watched so many types of thriller books, TV shows, and movies that (to me) they have started to seem very predictable and drawn out. Sketchy was not that way for me, it may be only 238 pages but it took until near the very end for me to start putting the pieces together for myself. Of course I had a few ideas of what I thought was going on but nothing I was 100% sure about until that point. I was sucked into the story from the beginning and was hooked throughout the whole book, and I loved every second of it! Olivia Samms is a very talented writer and she did an amazing job creating this paranormal thriller. I want my hands on the second book ASAP!!

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